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Morning fish curry

Morning Fish Curry

A typical Sri Lanka breakfast often consists of delicate, crispy rice pancakes or hoppers with a cooked egg on top, served with a curry and accompanied by a hot sambal! Like most breakfasts over the world, this curry is simple, fast, and can also be eaten in the evening with some rice accompanied by vegetables.

Goraka is a dried fruit that is quite acidic. In Sri Lanka, as in south India, it is soaked in water to obtain a sour infusion. I can be substituted with tamarind or lemon juice diluted in water. The garlic paste and curry can be kept for several days in the refrigerator, as this is primary appeal as a breakfast curry.


2 pieces of goraka or 4 Tbsp Tamarind pulp or juice of 2 lemons

1 lb tuna or other firm-bodied fist

1½ Tbsp Sri Lankan Red Curry

1 Tbsp Paprika

2 Garlic cloves

1tsp salt

1 cinnamon sliver


  1. 1

    Pound the goraka to soften it and soak for 5 minutes in 2 oz of warm water. (If you're using tamarind or lemon juice, dilute it in 2 oz of water as well.)

  2. 2

    Cut the fish in 1 x 1 inch cubes. Marinate with the goraka along with its infusion.

  3. 3

    Place the red curry in a mortar and grind to a powder. Add the garlic, paprika and salt and pound to make a paste.

  4. 4

    Dilute the curry paste in a pan with ½ cup of water. Add the cinnamon, the fish and the goraka with its infusion.

  5. 5

    Cook half-covered on low heat until the fish is cooked and the sauce becomes a little thick (5-7 minutes).

  6. 6

    Let rest for 15 minutes before serving.
